- authority
- 1) власть, полномочие; полнота власти; сфера компетенции2) орган власти; орган управления3) источник права; закон; прецедент; судебное решение; документ; авторитетный учебник по праву4) авторитет; авторитетный специалист; авторитетное утверждение5) авторитетность6) доказательство; основание7) доверенность; полномочие; правомочие; разрешение•
by authority — с разрешения, по полномочию;
authority by estoppel — полномочия агента, неопровержимо презюмируемые на основании поведения принципала;
authority by law — правомочие по закону;
by authority of law — властью, в силу закона;
by state authority — властью штата;
authority conferred by office — власть, полномочия, правомочия по должности;
on authority — на основании; со ссылкой на ... ;
source of authority — источник власти или авторитета;
to clothe with authority — облечь властью, полномочиями;
to divest of authority — лишить власти, полномочий, правомочий;
authority to issue warrants — орган власти, полномочный выдавать ордера;
authority to sign — право подписи;
to vest with authority — предоставить власть, полномочия, правомочия;
under authority of — в силу, на основании;
without authority — не будучи управомочен;
without due authority — не будучи должным образом управомочен;
without lawful authority — без законного на то права;
without proper authority — без надлежащего правомочия
- authority to punishinternational preliminary examining authority — пат. орган международной предварительной экспертизы
- by the weight of authority
- authority of government
- authority of law
- absolute authority
- actual authority
- adjudicating authority
- adjudicatory authority
- administering authority
- administrative authority
- apparent authority
- approving authority
- assumed authority
- bad authority
- blanket authority
- broad discretion authority
- broad discretion enforcement authority
- budget authority
- case authority
- chief executive authority
- circuit authorities
- citable authority
- city authorities
- civil authorities
- coercive authority
- committing authority
- competent authority
- constituted authorities
- constitutional authority
- constructive authority
- correctional authorities
- custom authority
- decisive authority
- delegated authority
- demanding authority
- detaining authority
- direct authority
- discretionary authority
- discretion authority
- discretionary diversion authority
- district authorities
- executive authority
- express authority
- express legislative authority
- extraditing authority
- federal authority
- final authority
- forged authority
- full authority
- general authority
- good authority
- implied authority
- incidental authority
- independent authority
- international authority
- investigating authority
- issuing authority
- judicial authority
- law enforcement authority
- lawful authorities
- legal authority
- legislative authority
- licensing authority
- limited authority
- local authority
- managerial authority
- military authority
- municipal authority
- naked authority
- national authority
- naval authorities
- non-constitutional authority
- non-statutory authority
- older authority
- operative authority
- ostensible authority
- parental authority
- parole authority
- patent authority
- penal authorities
- permissive authority
- persuasive authority
- police authority
- policing authority
- political authority
- primary authority
- public authority
- rating authority
- real authority
- receiving authority
- recognized authority
- regal authority
- regulating authority
- requisite authority
- reviewing authority
- rural authorities
- secondary authority
- signatory authority
- special authority
- specific authority
- spending authority
- state authority
- statutory authority
- supervisory authority
- supreme authority
- town authorities
- ultimate authority of decision
- universal authority
- unlimited authority
- urban authorities
- vicarious authority
- youth authority
- regulatory authority
Англо-русский юридический словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.